
The 3 Best Outreach Marketing Tools For Startups Of 2021

If you're looking for ways to automate your outreach and get better results, you've come to the right place. Today, we're going to share our 3 favorite outreach marketing tools for startups as of 2021.

These tools are a must-have for any business owner conducting cold outreach. Whether you're selling a service, a software as a service (SaaS), or even certain high-ticket products. Cold outreach still reigns supreme for businesses just starting out.

With these tools we're going to uncover today, you'll be able to automate huge chunks of your outreach endeavors and free up your time. All the while, you'll be able to start increasing the results you see currently.

Whether you want a tool to help you with list scraping, or you need an email marketing software - or even a copywriting AI tool - we've got something in store for you today. Unlock higher open rates, response rates, and most importantly, sales by reading all the way through this article - you won't regret it, believe us!

Why Do Startups Need The Best Outreach Marketing Tools Possible?

As a startup - particularly, a startup selling a service or SAAS  rather than a physical product - outreach is going to be your #1 priority. This is how you get sales as a new, unfamiliar business. While cold outreach isn't everyone's favorite method of marketing, it's effective. And when you're first starting out, it's really your only choice.

The best part about cold outreach for startups, though? It's entirely free. You won't need to dump adspend behind an unproven offer. Simply build up a list of some prospects, get your offer in front of them, and see what happens - no risk at all!

Cold outreach is a numbers game. You'll need to put in the hours curating lists. For every 100 prospects you contact, you can expect responses from 10-20 of them - depending on how effective your cold emails are. Of those 10-20, you will probably only get 5-10 appointments booked or free trials started. And of those 5-10, you might be able to close 3-5.

So, using the right tools to automate this process and improve your metrics is crucial. If you can get slightly higher cold email open rates, then clicks go up, meetings/trials go up, and inevitably, sales go up.

That's why we're going to share our favorite outreach marketing tools for startups today. Now that you understand our reasoning, let's take a look at the three different types of tools we recommend to every business owner conducting cold outreach.

The Different Steps Of Outreach You Need Tools For

There are three main aspects of cold outreach, and as such, we have three different types of tools we recommend. For best results, we recommend implementing all three. Here is a quick breakdown of each before we get into the specific tools we want to highlight themselves.

Lead Scraping

Before you can even conduct a cold outreach marketing campaign, you need a list of prospects to contact. These potential customers have to come from somewhere - whether it be LinkedIn, social media, or by looking at company directories online.

Manually scraping leads one by one is a thing of the past. You can scrape thousands of contact details in just a few clicks using lead scraping tools. These are among the #1 types of digital marketing tools we recommend to startups who need to get in touch with potential customers or clients.

Many of these allow you to scrape leads from a variety of sources. And, they provide you with all the pertinent information you need to craft a winning cold outreach campaign.

CRM or Email Autoresponder

Once you've got a list of leads, how are you going to get in touch with them? Sure, you could fire off emails individually in your Gmail. You could then set alarms to remind you to go back and follow up with the prospects who didn't respond a few days later.

Similar to how manually scraping leads is an antiquated practice, so is manually emailing your prospects. That's why another one of the most important digital marketing tools is a CRM or email autoresponder software.

These allow you to upload your lists of prospects and build out your segments and sequences. You can bring in your favorite cold email templates and set your follow-ups as necessary. These even allow for personalization, so you can make the cold email a tad warmer.

Copywriting Tools

Last but certainly not least, you need an outreach tool that helps you craft winning copy. Let's face it - we don't all have a way with words. Writing isn't easy, especially when you're feeling uninspired at the end of a long day.

Why not let AI help you out? With copywriting tools, you can leverage the help of robots to craft winning subject lines, intro text, and even body copy. You'll have a much easier time putting together your campaigns and actually getting results this way, too!

The Top Outreach Marketing Tools For Startups In 2021: Our Rankings

Now that we've covered the categories that every startup needs to look into investing in, we're ready to name the three best marketing tools for startups in 2021. These are sure to help you gain more business and free up your time to work on the business rather than in the business. Let's start with the #1 lead scraping tool currently on the market.

Klean Leads

When it comes to lead scraping, you won't find a better tool than Klean Leads. What makes this one of our top choices for the best marketing tools for startups is its versatility. It goes above and beyond what we've ever experienced with other lead scraping tools.

If you don't know where to begin your outreach campaign, this software can provide you with access to over 500 million leads. Local businesses, B2C, B2B, you name it.

Once you have a list of companies, you're able to plug it into their scraping feature and pull up the decision-maker for each company - along with their title, location, phone number, email address, and all sorts of other company information.

From there, you can plug your list of prospects right into their integrated CRM. That's right - this lead scraping tool doubles as a CRM platform where you can set up email sequences for your leads! We're all about consolidating the technology you use in your business, and Klean Leads makes it easy.

They even allow you to scrape leads from LinkedIn, social media, and more. With two affordable plans to choose from, investing in Klean Leads is a no-brainer.


While Klean Leads does have an integrated email campaign feature, some prefer to build their campaigns in a tool built specifically for email. And, that's just what Mailerrize is - the best cold emailing software currently on the market. We highly recommend startups conducting cold outreach look into it! Here's why:

A common problem startups run into is ending up in the spam folder when first starting out. Getting your domain warm is a pivotal part of the cold outreach process - especially if you're sending tons of emails at once. Well, Mailerrize makes it simple to warm up your domain and increase deliverability. This way, you can rest assured the time you spend generating prospects and emailing them is well spent!

They also make it easy to personalize your campaigns to increase open rates, click rates, and of course, sales. You can determine when a prospect becomes a lead - after replying, opening a set number of times, or clicking a specific link. This will move them into a separate list so you can send more targeted emails to turn that lead into a paying customer.

This software also comes with a free, private telegram group for all users to brainstorm and network! It's very cost-effective, too, so check it out!


Now, we've arrived at the #1 pick on our list of the best marketing tools for startups in 2021. Quicklines is our #1 pick for a reason. That's because even with the best lead scraping and CRM software out there, you won't get results if your copy isn't dialed in.

This software helps you generate first-line copy that works. No more struggling to find the right words, or growing increasingly frustrated with low open rates. Crafting winning cold email subject lines is easier than ever!

With Quicklines, you'll watch your open, response, and call booking rates soar. It's all thanks to the revolutionary, deep social scraping and AI-powered learning the software is built upon. This technology is tried and true, and has helped startups around the world generate over $4.7 million in sales.

By investing in this software, you can join other marketers who achieved a 150% increase in positive responses, a 4.3x meeting acceptance increase, and a333% connection request acceptance rate on LinkedIn.

If you're still writing copy by hand, you're living in the past. Spend less time writing, and more time on sales calls by using Quicklines! You can write up to 2,500 intros per hour (900x faster than manual writing) and at only $0.20 per line written (72% cheaper than other AI writers).

Why Did We Choose To Highlight These Three Outreach Tools For Startups?

Well, there you have it - there 3 best marketing tools for startups in 2021. We are confident that with these three in your arsenal, your sales process will thrive. All you have to do to scale your service-based business is leverage technology - and these pieces of technology are as good as it gets.

We decided to highlight all three of these in particular because they round out everything you need for cold outreach. You have a tool to find your prospects and leads, a tool to actually conduct your outreach, and a tool to write more effective copy for your outreach.

In our opinion, you won't find a better trifecta for marketing your startup than these three pieces of software. Sure, you could find free digital marketing tools that claim to do the same thing. But trust us when we say that free digital marketing tools are free for a reason. They don't offer the same degree of versatility, customization, or efficiency.

Your startup deserves the best marketing tools possible - so invest in yours today and start scaling your business with ease and finesse!

Get Started With Quicklines Today!

If you only have the budget for one of these cold email marketing tools, we want to steer you towards Quicklines. Here's why.

With Quicklines in your arsenal, you can at least feel confident that the campaigns you're building are optimized with copy that converts. Sure, you'll have to spend your time building out lists manually or using a free list scraping tool. You'll also need to use a free email marketing platform - and these tend to be pretty limited.

However, there is no denying the power of AI generated first lines. While your volume of outreach may be a bit lower without Mailerrize or Klean Leads, you'll be able to consistently turn your prospects into leads, and eventually, paying customers. Within no time, you'll easily have the budget to invest in other software and free up more of your time.

But it all starts with Quicklines - if you don't have the skills necessary to craft subject lines and copy that actually works, you need to leverage the power of AI.

The best part? You can get started for free today with a 7-day free trial! Don't waste anymore time with cold email marketing until you've got the tools you need to craft winning copy - try this email AI today.

Get Personalized Lines.

Unlock superpowers for your cold outreach.

AI-powered first lines to help you get more meetings.